192.168 ll te data

192.168 ll te data


it is an egyption company for internet

Te data  router have two ip address


Type of routers


Zte IP address is the default gateway of most wireless routers or ADSL modems.

The IP address  is normally used by Linksys broadband router   and sometimes by other brands of network routers or home network gateway equipment .

Network administrators use this address to help set up a new router or update settings for an existing one.

The same address can also be used on business computer network .

Technically a computer, printer or another device can be set up to use this address instead of a router although that’s not a recommended network setup as it can easily lead to IP address conflicts . belongs to the private IP address  range that starts with and extends through




Router setup te date

There are two type

Quick setup

Manual setup

First quick setup

You can find it in new models

How to set up this type

1: open your browser and type

2:type your default  user name and password for the router

User name is admin

Password is admin

the router now is open

3: click on the icon of quick setup

4: type the user name and password of your account in tedate

5:in Encapsulation Type  choose ( llc )

6: in PVC  type 0  –   35

Now you finish your setup

Second type

Manual setup

Choice  Network next choose  WAN Connection

type the user name and password of your account in tedate

5:in Encapsulation Type  choose ( llc )

6: in PVC  type 0  –   35






How to log in te date router

1: type in your browser

2:type your user name and password

Setting page is opened .


Te date router changing password

you can connect to it by opening a Web browser and visiting:

This allows you to log into the router’s administrator console and access its configuration screens

1: open your browser and type router ip (

2: you have to type your user name and password

User name :admin


3: after typing user name and password ,you will go to settins page

4:after you  log in you ,control panel page is opened

5:click on maintenance then choice account

6: the page that appear have user name,current password ,new password, confirm password

Add password to te date router

1: type in your browser

2:type password and user name

User name:admin


3:you will go to te date router setting

4:choice basic from menu then choice WLAN

5:you can change password from the menu that appear

6:make SSID enable

And write network name on SSID

7 :choice WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK  from security

And it can make it open

8:you can add new password on  WPA Pre-shared key

Then choice TKIP +AES from WPA encryption

Then click on submit  to save settings



If you don’t know your router ip how you can Determine Your Router’s IP Address

If the router is not set up to use, check the manufacturer’s documentation or website to find the correct address and try again.

Other common router addresses are and, but there are too many possibilities to guess them all. Admin Login is an IP address which routers like Linksys and other network brands use as an access point or gateway.

Firms set up router admin access in this address to allow network administrators to configure their routers and networks.

Concretely one can manage Security Options, Network Management, IP QoS, DNS, proxy, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, DSL, ADSL, MAC, WPS block; amongst others.

Connecting to A Router Using

It isn’t always necessary to know your router’s IP address. Phones and other devices typically can find the router by its name (SSID) whenever they need to get online.

However, knowing the address becomes important when setting up a new router initially or when troubleshooting a home network problem.

If the router has an IP address of, you can connect to it by opening a Web browser and visiting:

This allows you to log into the router’s administrator console and access its configuration screens. The procedure may fail for these three reasons:

  1. the router has failed and is unresponsive to connections via the browser.
  2. The router is set up to use a different address than
  3. The computer and its browser failed to join the network.


If you want to read more about ip address click here






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